Songs tell stories too. My work with guitar and voice expand the reach of my work while blending narrative and melody with the help of acoustic instruments.
Why wait? Ghostwriting for Musicians, Songwriters & Producers
Have you read Keith Richards' autobiography, Life?
Love ya, KR, but that book is too long.
If only you had written portions of it as your career progressed.
Why wait until the end of a glorious tour of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll to tell all?
Love ya, KR, but that book is too long.
If only you had written portions of it as your career progressed.
Why wait until the end of a glorious tour of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll to tell all?
What About Your Story?
Some successful musicians, singer-songwriters and producers believe they are too young to write a book.
"I have nothing to say."
I disagree. As your career is emerging, as the spotlight gets a lot brighter, why not share fresh insights about those events and the way you make music.
And don't ignore talking about the tough times. The drama of striving for success is universal. Must you wait until you're 70 to finally speak your mind?
Some successful musicians, singer-songwriters and producers believe they are too young to write a book.
"I have nothing to say."
I disagree. As your career is emerging, as the spotlight gets a lot brighter, why not share fresh insights about those events and the way you make music.
And don't ignore talking about the tough times. The drama of striving for success is universal. Must you wait until you're 70 to finally speak your mind?
No "Big" Books
In the early years, a book by a musician, singer-songwriter or producer need not be long,
Let it be raw, sincere, a tell-all diary, a manifesto of where you are now. Life changes as your career evolves. Just ask Keith and other icons. So let's capture it while it is fresh!
Add a book to your merchandise and memorabilia table.
Or let the book be a freebie for devoted fans who spend X-amount of dollars on you and your band each year. Give them something special.
Fans want insights and personal communications, not just the songs. Share more and expect to get more out of your music making!
In the early years, a book by a musician, singer-songwriter or producer need not be long,
Let it be raw, sincere, a tell-all diary, a manifesto of where you are now. Life changes as your career evolves. Just ask Keith and other icons. So let's capture it while it is fresh!
Add a book to your merchandise and memorabilia table.
Or let the book be a freebie for devoted fans who spend X-amount of dollars on you and your band each year. Give them something special.
Fans want insights and personal communications, not just the songs. Share more and expect to get more out of your music making!